At league collective, we chase the unknown, spin through the madness and challenge ourselves to fit in as much fun and as many diverse experiences as we can within the time the sunlight greets us.
Over the winter Months, League Collective headed to the Alps where we teamed up with Hotpod Yoga – Slope Style for a month of teaching yoga to skiers coming straight off the chilly slopes into a pod heated to 37 degrees.
Behind the scenic views, frosty mountain caps and beautiful sunrises, the latest League Collective collection was put through to its toughest test yet. Over a three day period, we tested the samples for all they were worth.
A three day intensity challenge consisting of daily10k altitude runs up the mountain followed by HIIt training, teaching or participating in 6 Hot yoga classes a day, followed by as much skiing as possible before the sun dipped behind the mountains and the valley became a shadow.
Check out the video below:
As if we didn’t already have enough lined up for testing out our League Collective gear over the next few weeks – with kite surfers, pro cyclists, runners and Ice climbers – we realised this was the perfect opportunity for technically testing the garments so far.
Whilst combining so many different activities, the transition from hot to cold, and the clothes being able to perform in these icy conditions was an important factor to address. We needed to know that the clothes were wicking enough at the same time as being warm, supportive, and tear/rip resistant whilst falling on sheets of ice… and we had plenty of opportunity to do just that whilst learning to spin on twin tip skis.
On most days, weather posed a chilly -4 degrees celsius outside, and as we pushed our bodies to their physical limit, the garments really did need to ‘keep up’ for our own health, comfort and safety in these extreme transitions in temperature.
In a Hotpod Yoga class, body temperature sets the mark in a space heated to 37, with a degree of humidity so you don’t feel too hot or stuffy when flowing through your practice. The idea is to sweat, and more often than not you leave the pod drenched in it. However, we found that the sweat dried miraculously fast, and we were able to jump almost immediately onto our skis after teaching. +37 to –4 degrees is a big ask for any pair of leggings, but League Collective rose to the occasion.
The next most important test was the antibacterial factor. From sweating profusely, to then drying out, or sustaining an uphill 5k with gradual sweat release, the garments had to deal with every outlet of perspiration possible.
The clothes were worn for every activity within this 3 day period, and not washed once.
As mentioned in one of our first ever posts… We would never expect someone to wear the same clothes for 3 consecutive marathons… however, we want to pose the question, and give you the option; if you could, why wouldn’t you?
With Tribe’s Run For Love Marathon soon approaching, we are very excited to be following the story of two of our most endurance junkie based ambassadors; Svitlana and Candice, as they actually do take on a 3 day marathon….each.
Run for Love is a 2000km Duathlon set to raise £1Million to fight human trafficking, consisting of cycling and running. The run starts in Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and finishes in London. Svitlana and Candice will be running 3 days each, and crossing paths in Zagreb, where we will be flying out to capture their story.
When giving someone else our clothes to wear and telling them that they can withstand the rigours that they have been training so physically hard for, we need to know firsthand that our clothes actually ‘do what they say on the tin’.
On the off chance that the girls do wear our clothes for the full 3 days of their challenge, it is incredibly comforting to us know that we have tried and tested them to the limit already.
We will not settle for anything less than perfection when it comes to garment construction and versatility and ease of use.
Above from left, Hotpod Yoga teachers : LillYoga and TabithaRoseYoga
You find the challenge, and we will be your support.
Our time is now.
Thank you for watching and reading! We hope you enjoyed it and always love to hear your comments and feedback. Please leave your thoughts in the comment box below or email us as [email protected] and we will get back to you soon!
If you love the clothes and want them for your self, head to our Shop where you can Pre-order.
Lilly Richardson
Bringing you stories to inspire, motivate and achieve. Lets create your sustainable life.