Introducing Keira, a 21 year old cycling fanatic who lives in a small village near Stamford and has been cycling a lot, since the age of 12.

It is no longer race season, yet training still carries on among other things; like normal life or, in her case, escaping from a cold winter in the UK all together.

A couple of weeks back we were lucky enough to spend a few very chilly hours with her around north London, and learn a little more about this girl so full of biker beans before she jets of to Girona in Spain to live over the winter months.

Sunday afternoon in Kings cross station was not the best choice of meeting point with thousands of people returning or leaving London all at the same time…

Within the whirl wind of people however, it wasn’t long before a slender Keira in a bright red coat with grungy black biker boots, ripped jeans and a black hat shading her face with a very fast looking road bike with Hope Technology hubs in tow was heard, and then spotted.

Quick bite of food before clicking out the station and we’re on our way!

Keira is a Multidisciplinary bike racer, she rides the track (velodrome), fixed gear criteriums and road races.

Next year will be her first year as a professional cyclist, in which she will be racing with Team WNT, an all women’s professional cycling team. To us, she already seems pretty professional as she balances one handed on her non fixed gear road bike whilst telling a story and posing for the camera at the same time.

It’s great to find such a charismatic girl with so much unforced passion behind what she does. There is this huge element of effortlessness that floats in with her natural skill for biking in an array of different ways. Her style meets you with an air of confidence, enhancing the patterns she is wearing on her legs as she is photographed leaning against a brick wall looking sultry. “be more bad-ass” the photographer jokes, as she sticks out her tongue and gives us an evil glare – another reason we find her a natural fit for League Collective – She brings the clothes to life. They have character, but they wear yours.

This year she raced the Red Hook Crit Series finishing 4th in the championship and achieved her first UCI points in an international UCI road race.

With such little legs and talk about the training session she’d already done this morning, plus the 200 or so miles covered every week, we’re starting to get the idea that there might be a little more drive to this girl than first realised.

As Road and track Cyclist Toto, another of our League girls mentioned before. It’s not just the hours you put in and the miles you travel that make you good, or fast, or able to win a race at all. Maybe its a little something called mind power. Self confidence, and in Keira’s case, self belief.

To find out more about her, if you haven’t already spotted her in the new Samsung advert, or racing around roads near you, why not check her out on Instagram?: @ginger_biskwit and get a little more up to date with what this inspiration is doing.

Still want to find out more? Then subscribe to our blog (to the right of this post) and we will be posting more exclusive videos about Keira in the near future. Be the first to see them!

Thank you for reading!

Photography by: Lucia Garcia
All clothing: League Collective