The T-shirts have arrived! Our you ready for Saturday?

‘What the hell is Yoga HIIT?’

Yoga HIIT is a session of Yoga and HIIT (Hight intensity interval training) combined to work up a sweat, complemented afterwards by some deep stretches to lengthen what we’ve strengthened. Keeping the mind motivated and focused, so you can carry on ‘longer, harder, faster, stronger’ until you collapse in a mindful heap on the ground in your sweaty League Collective T-shirt which you receive on arrival to this unmissable event that is happening this Saturday in a park in London near you!

And that, you beautiful Collective, is Yoga HIIT.

Sweaty smiles all round…

Bookings for the event are now closed, but why not subscribe to our blog in the box to the right, and you will be the first to know when the next one is!

For any inquiries into this or the next event, drop us an email at: [email protected]